The King of Australia
In mid-2020 Steven Spiers declared himself “King” of the Kingdom of Australia, (Steven R) and began issuing various proclamations and rewriting various constitutional enactments.
Its time something was said about these things and to put the record straight so nobody else is harmed by false misleading information.
This is not a article we have pleasure putting together at all as we would rather spend our valuable time in other discussion, however with the amount of delusional information being pushed by a certain group over the last few years its one we feel is absolutely necessary to address.
For here be dragons added to our historical facts and these story’s of dragons by these individuals are running rampant .
Addressing the kingdom of Australia and Australian royal council members or x members deliberate misinformation can be a challenge for any sane logical critical thinking self governing adult individual of sound body and mind , after all the moment one even attempts to disagree with these people the attacks start flying in all directions like a internet super highway with no end in sight.
These people have truly thrown common sense reality out the window.
Most of their arguments centre around our Mighty AIF a Kingdom left behind and that of our Red Ensign Flag.
The truth is the Red Ensign Flag has had many depicted faces however only 3 had a significant rightful place in the Commonwealth of Australia’s documented histories , 5 if you include the UK red duster civilian flag and the church hill flag both being red ensign flags also.
From their unsubstantiated claims and undocumented facts to miss interpretations of biblical doctrines and false claims of pending flag history its mind bending to say the least.
Most of their arguments in the public arena stem from their view point and agenda in regards to the Red Ensign Flag of the people.
So lets strap in and clear up these misconceptions and more once and for all.
In the below link you will see the faces of two men, one being the self proclaimed King of Australia the other being one of his devoted subjects.
Introduction to the self proclaimed king of Australia video
How They Create Division In The People
The easiest way to divide people against each other is to confuse them on multiple of levels , the kingdom of Australia, the Australian Royal Council and their many subdivisions well they have a unique way of doing that.
Many avid researchers and the patriotic public all know the Red Ensign is a symbol of a free united people, self governing and self determined.
So these guys and gals promote a very specific Red Ensign so people think they must and need to unite under a particular flag and not a symbol.
The kingdom of Australia mob promote ‘Unity is only valid under the Flag they have chosen and promote’ and that is how they get away with creating division among the people.
The more people who fall into this trap of fiction the bigger our task here at Sovereign Australian of creating unfettered unity will be, therefore we feel it must be addressed.
Disclaimer : Sovereign Australian wishes no harm injury or loss on anyone mentioned in this article infact we are very concerned about the amount of misguided, misinformed ,misinterpreted information we see coming coming from these individuals, we mean this sincerely and hope that these people live happy and fulfilled full lives, we have made every attempt to keep this information purely on the facts without any animosity, we sincerely hope they see the truth and stop with the division of our free people.
Now lets get on with the information.
Their claims to this kingdom of Australia to our knowledge is a newspaper article published some time ago back in 1863, it is this information that these people claim to be legitimate factual information that seems to be the cornerstone of their argument, well when asked for factual documentation or information to back these claims this is their normal response.
Quote: We are not here to spoon feed you retarded fools.
Yup nice one guys very mature.
Now they also like to tie various other treaty’s like the treaty of Ghent , treaty of Versailles and many others which in fact did play a huge roll in a lot of the trespass against the free people of the world and the planet as we know it today , however they like to add their own special flavour to the interpretations of those events ,as they also have done in regards to this kingdom of Australia and claimed Federal Red Ensign Flag.
In fact these individuals have claim a few names for this flag .
Land flag kings flag federal flag and so on.
This leaves the door open to debate.
We have addressed these treaty’s and histories in other articles as we have also in regards to the red ensign.
We shall attempt to keep this article as short as possible without losing the context of the history behind the many acts of trespass against us that has transpired, so keep that in mind as we progress.
However in this article we shall concentrate on their claim of the kingdom of Australia and Federal Red Ensign Flag as we do not normally get into the misinformation pool that others produce however in this case we feel we must.
Link to newspaper article here 👇
The fact that this may or may not have been discussed is not a issue, in fact many ideas were indeed discussed in great detail and many heated discussions transpired during the unification of the colonial state colony’s at this time in our now Commonwealth of Australia as well as the formation of our Commonwealth Constitution, this was normal practice when creating something new in the Empire of great Britain.
However this doesn’t mean it actually transpired into reality, obviously it never did as we remained as a self governing colony under British law until we become a self determining self governing subdivision of the empire of great Britain called the Commonwealth of Australia , this is fact not fiction.
These people claim that anyone flying a red ensign other than the one they claim as correct are disloyal and disrespectful to our ANZAC, this is incorrect.
These individual’s have made literally made themselves the ANZAC flag police.
Seriously though this is no joke these people carry on like crazy children of the corn the moment one even mentions the Red Ensign Flag .
The not so funny thing is this is coming from individuals we have personally seen online attacking verbally , our very returned vets of all ages for not being in agreement with their views.
This coming from individuals that claim anyone who served after WW1 WW2 are not real ANZACS and are nothing more than paid help continuing Usufruct against our people.
For those unaware of our articles on this subject Usufruct is a legal right accorded to a person or party that confers the temporary right to use and derive income or benefit from someone else’s property.
Well Actually in truth those comments made about our digger after WW1/WW2 was this guy below.
He said that in a public forum on Facebook and that’s not at all.
Click the link to see more of his silly antics .
BP You 👇 silly boy.
See his online Facebook comments here.
Disclaimer We are not wishing any of these guys harm or ill intentions we are merely just pointing out the documented facts anyone can find online , and hopefully these guys and gals can wake up to themselves.
however these guys and gals do have the right to choose their own path we are not here to stop them making fools of themselves, however they have no right to internationally harm others and they are not alone, there are others who back them up in this division, however these three guys were the most active in the early days of their group and two continue to be at this time even though infighting and division between their whole group has become very ugly and they have since spit up in to different factions.
As a living relative of three WW1 WW2 vets and a relative of multiple men who have served in many other conflicts since , I personally find their attitude disturbing and down right disgusting towards all ANZACS past and present that have defended the Imperial realm of the Empire of Great Britain and its subdivisions of the Commonwealth.
I’ve had the pleasure to grow up around those who have actually bled for Empire and our Commonwealth and those who continue to serve us , they would not be impressed at all about any of this silly talk and division.
Our ANZAC of old and new are someones brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers and children and have earned the right to all be recognised as ANZACS as far as we are concerned here at Sovereign Australian.
In fact these silly people have even made reference to many Australians as retarded many times in public forums online for not following their narrative or flying their designated designed flag .
Boy o boy they have much to learn.
Yet apparently these people fight for our ANZAC and wish to keep their memory alive 😠😠😠😠
Yeah right …………………smells like BS if you ask us here at sovereign.
In fact in our opinion these individuals are being very disrespectful to all our ANZACS both past and present by pushing misguided information and insulting many of our fellow brothers and sisters of the Imperial Crown Commonwealth of Australia.
These people push a certain particular flag they themselves named the kings flag first amongst other names, a Red Ensign based on the parliamentary board chosen winner from the 1901 flag competition design of both Blue and Red.
It seems these individuals are caught in their own cognitive dissonance.
Here in this article we will show and explain the true facts and factual documents that back up yet another fact that they are truly misguided and mistaken.
However as usual we shall let you the reader decide after all that is your right but we ask you to consider this information in full before making that decision.
Attention Disclaimer : We at Sovereign Australian and Australian Red Ensign support anyone flying any red ensign of choice in unfettered unity together as one united sovereign people as is their Right.
However it is totally apparent that these kingdom of Australia devotees or x kingdom of Australia men and woman do not. We at Sovereign Australian wish nobody any harm or distress from this information supplied.
Lets begin
Call it indoctrination ,cognitive dissonance call it what you like but unfettered unity of a free sovereign people is clearly lacking and it seem that unfettered unity is not high on these peoples desired goals or outcomes.
These are the TRUE facts in regards to our Red Ensign Flags of the Commonwealth of Australia de-bunk it all you like we welcome it.
Back in 1901 at federation Commonwealth Australians had no official flag to fly other than the union jack, so Parliament set up a flag design competition .
The competition was Gazetted in April 1901 however no flag was recorded as it was still to be chosen .
The gazette was written as bellow.
Flag Competition Documents
Competition Guidelines
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Number 27
Commonwealth of Australia
Prime Minister’s Office
29th April, 1901
Design for a Federal Flag
The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia invite competitive designs for a Federal Flag, such designs to be forwarded by post or otherwise not later than the 31st May, 1901.
The designs will be judged by a Board to be appointed by the Federal Government for the purpose, and a sum of £75 will be paid to the designer of that selected as the best.
Each competitor will be required to forward two coloured sketches–one for the merchant service, and one for naval or official use–not less than 6 inches by 3 inches in size.
All designs must be endorsed on the cover “Commonwealth Flag,” and must be addressed to “The Secretary to the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne.”
Each design must bear a motto or nom de plume, and must be accompanied by a sealed envelope bearing on its face the motto or nom de plume with which the designer signed, and enclosing the name and address of the designer.
The successful design will be submitted to the Imperial authorities.
The award of the Board, however, will be final, and the prize will be given in accordance with their decision, even if the design be not accepted by the Imperial authorities. Edmund Barton.
This means the winners will be paid even if the design is rejected, not the design being final even if rejected.
Note : Right here above ☝️ is yet more evidence that the people did not exactly choose the flags a parliamentary board did, however these people claim the people did.
The board where aware it may not be even be accepted as stated above.
The people submitted many designs.
The entries were put on display at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne and the judges took six days to deliberate before reaching their conclusion.
Five almost identical entries were chosen as the winning design, and their designers shared the £200 (2015: $29,142.12) prize money.
They were Ivor Evans, a fourteen-year-old schoolboy from Melbourne;
Leslie John Hawkins, a teenager apprenticed to an optician from Sydney;
Egbert John Nuttall, an architect from Melbourne;
Annie Dorrington, an artist from Perth; and William Stevens, a ship’s officer from Auckland, New Zealand.
The five winners received £40 each.
The differences from the present flag were the six-pointed Commonwealth Star, while the components stars in the Southern Cross had different numbers of points, with more if the real star was brighter. This led to five stars of nine, eight, seven, six and five points respectively.
Note : A simplified version of the competition-winning design was submitted to the British admiralty for entry into their register of flags in December 1901 and these people claim we are flying admiralty flags 😂😂😂 remember this for later on in the article.
Should we inform these people why all our ensigns are placed in this register lol.
Obviously So ships of war and everyone else can tell if you are a civilian of course or a official govco ship or yacht, Common sense.
Prime Minister Edmund Barton announced in the Commonwealth Gazette that Edward VII had officially recognised the design as the Flag of Australia on 11 February 1903 and that Gazette is provided in this article.
So lets look at a few definitions from the 1901 Gazette then before we continue .
what is the definition of civil
Civil is relating to ordinary civilians and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters.
What is the definition of civilian
A civilian Is a man or woman not in the armed services or the police force.
What is the definition of a merchant service
Merchant service work as an intermediary between the bank, a man or woman or organisation wanting to receive funds and the man or woman or organisation looking to purchase goods or services.
The merchant service provider will provide businesses and individuals with the requirements to accept cheques, loans, credit cards, debit cards, and other forms of payment including electronic payment today for the transaction to take place.
What is a merchant definition
A Merchant Is a man or woman or company involved in wholesale trade, especially one dealing with foreign countries or supplying goods to a particular trade.
Intermediary definition meaning … Intermediary is defined as happening between two people or two events, or functioning as a middle ground to solve a dispute between two people.
What is naval definition
Naval : Naval means belonging to, relating to, or involving a country’s navy.
What is official use definition
relating to an authority or public body and its activities and responsibilities.”the prime minister’s official engagements” a man or woman holding public office or having official duties, especially as a representative of an organisation or government department.
Office use definition is a special duty, charge, or position conferred by an exercise of governmental authority and for a public purpose : a position of authority to exercise a public function and to receive whatever emoluments may belong to it b: a position of responsibility or some degree of executive authority.
Commerce definition, an interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale between different countries (foreign commerce ) or between different parts of the same country (domestic commerce ); the activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale the social dealings between people.”the noise and warmth of human commerce.
Both parliament and the people deal in acts of commerce.
With these clear definitions one can easily ascertain what civil ,merchant ,official and all these other terms mean.
So In layman’s terms.
a: We were to design a flag to represent all merchant services meaning by definition, all men and women on land and water ways all businesses including banks and building societies all private civilian pleasure craft,including and not limited to sporting fields and more including areas of commerce (Red)
B: We were also to design a flag for official use by definition, being parliament to display on all government buildings and official office’s also dealing in commerce (Blue) and navy ships (white)
So by these clear definitions one can clearly comprehend what was the peoples Red and what was for government. Blue following the traditional way of the empires use of ensigns.
The White Ensign was historically used, in its unaltered form, by the naval forces of Australia, Canada and New Zealand, with the Blue Ensign of each of these Dominions (as they were then known) as a jack.
Red Duster” is the civil ensign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is one of the British ensigns, and it is used either plain or defaced with a badge or other emblem, mostly in the right half.
Remember that definition of Civil from above, yeah well all our Red Ensign Flags were derived from this flag , this is why we hear the term Civil Merchant Services.
So by these clear definitions one can easily ascertain that these kingdom followers are pushing one heck of a silly agenda claiming a lot of what they preach ,especially stating we can only fly their approved design.
Now that is cleared up Lets continue .
From that competition a few flags were picked .
Parliament then picked a winner the UN official pending red ensign with the star of David design displayed and then decided to send the winning flag off to England for approval.
Here we see the first sketch of the pending flag from that competition below printed in the news paper.
While waiting for that approval parliament allowed the Commonwealth people of Australia to fly it as the UN official pending flag of the commonwealth of Australia.
The Commonwealth of Australia was now moving forward onto the world stage.
Not exactly traditional, however it was allowed from 1901 until the approval of the 1903 official version design by King Edward VII.
Who was King Edward the VII.
Edward VII (Albert Edward; 9 November 1841 – 6 May 1910) was a Protestant King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Emperor of India from 22 January 1901 until his death in 1910 .
The eldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and nicknamed “Bertie”
King Edward VII, a protestant king sent back an approved design in late 1902 and later being Gazetted in the number 8 of February 1903 with the Star Of David removed and replaced by the star known today as the Pacific Star and also known as the Burma star which later in our history become a military medal under the reign of king George VI.
The Pacific Star became a service medal awarded to British and Commonwealth personnel who served in the Pacific between 8 December 1941 and 2 September 1945.
Yes that’s right, it became a ANZAC Star medal, to our knowledge no Star Of David ever received such an honour to our ANZAC.
This 1903 version was the first to gain royal approval and Gazetted as well as recorded in our parliament hansard reports, all of which is public knowledge if one chooses to open their eyes and look .
So being the first to receive royal approval it is the first in line first in time.
Now ask yourselves why is there no information like this with the 1901 version 🤔 We have looked high and low for over 20 years, sure there’s a news paper article, however no official Gazetted approval or record of such is in any of our hansards that we have found.
Could it be because the 1901 was never an official flag of the Commonwealth of Australia, we know it existed as the unofficial pending flag, however that’s all it ever was, a sketch and a winning competition flag, but what of it having official legal constitutional standing 🤔
Neither the less the 1901 still has a place of pride in our history, just not officially recognised, approved or Gazetted history in our hansards.
In 1907 the Commonwealth of Australia gained PNG as part of our territories, with this prompting parliament to change the Pacific Star design to that of the 7 point red ensign we see much of today .
Its was put into place by parliament yet again and by way of no referendum in 1908 also Gazetted and recorded in the hansard reports .
GAZETTE # 65 (1908)
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Number 65
Commonwealth of Australia
No 65 SATURDAY, 19th DECEMBER 1908
(page 1709)
Department of External Affairs
Melbourne, 8th December, 1908
His Excellency the Governor-General directs the publication, for general information, of the subjoined dispatch of the Secretary of State of Colonies, and enclosure, respecting an alteration in the design of the Commonwealth Flag.
Minister of State for External Affairs
27th October, 1908.
My Lord,
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Lord Northcote’s dispatch No. 194 of the 22nd July proposing an alteration in the design of the Commonwealth Flag, by the substitution of a star with seven points for a six pointed star; which now appears beneath the Union Jack.
This dispatch was laid before the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and I hare now to transmit to Your Lordship, for communication to your Government, a warrant issued by Their Lordships authorising the flag, amended as desired, to be flown by vessels registered in the Commonwealth.
The design of the corresponding star on the Commonwealth Blue Ensign, and of the star in the Badge of the Governor-General will be similarly amended; and copies of each of the three amended designs, as they will eventually appear in the Admiralty Flag Book, will be forwarded to you in due course.
In consequence of the issue of the enclosed Warrant, the Warrant dated the 4th June, 1903 and enclosed in Mr. Chamberlain’s despatch “Miscellaneous” of the 24th of becomes obsolete; and I should be glad if you would be good enough to forward it to me in order that it may be returned to the Admiralty for cancellation.
So you see all three versions had a place in history and historical significance, however only two Blue and Red Ensign Versions gained approval backed by Gazetted and approved hansard reported documentations.
So you see all 3 should be able to be flown by a free Imperial Crown Commonwealth people.
Another note official dimensions were only first Gazetted in 1934 in fact there were no official documents in 1901 0r 1902 or even 1903 in regards to these spacific flag dimensions .
However these people claim all these facts so far to be untrue and we the Australian people are retarded lol.
Now its time to address the clear elephant in the room .
The self appointed king of this Kingdom of Australia has stated many claims, some of which are indeed true and easy to find and in many historical books and literature, most of which has come from history books , atlases , historians, official parliamentary documents and avid researchers much like ourselves, however much of his own and his followers information has been manipulated to suit not only their narrative but their own agenda.
For instance the claim that we have an occupied country is (fact) the claim we have a specific coat of arms is also a (fact) the claim we have a specific line of authority dating back to July 1900 and we might add further back, also (fact) however his claim to the federal red ensign 1901 being the flag of that authority and linking our ANZAC to that authority is absolutely incorrect.
In fact before we even had a flag to call our own it was that of the Flag of Great Britain .
So we have established that prior to federation and before we even designed a flag we come under the Union Jack.
We have already established that the first official Red Ensign Flag of our Commonwealth was that of the 1903 version.
We have also established that our Commonwealth is Christian Protestant Imperial Crown Realm subdivision of Great Britain .
Disclaimer : Sure we cannot prove he has used information from other legitimate or government sources , historians and avid researchers including ourselves as they have not or will not produce them , that’s not what we are debating here, however we have been around researching for 25 years and many avid historians have come before us , we have seen much of this information this so called king proclaims as his over our many years in research, from books and histories and those sources mentioned which are way beyond his years and that of our own.
By the kingdoms now incarcerated spokesman Juha and the kings own admission in the past he has used the information of many and put it all together to paint the picture as Juha was so confident to state, however that picture is not correct .
The problem is he has used factual based information, then skewed and changed that information into a false created narrative with a few large dragons from hogwarts academy of silly magic to suit an agenda and added it in .
These guys have been around allegedly for a maximum of 10 years if you can believe that , they should by now have a complete comprehension of what has transpired.
However they have not gone back in our Empires histories to fully comprehend the size of the painting.
We here at Sovereign Australian have always kept the name or names of our authors and resources pool private to allow the information to speak for its self, we provide the direct links to the author’s when required and never wish to claim personal credit for such information as we believe it belongs to the people not to mention sourced from many historical accounts like parliament public records and statistics, Encyclopedias, bibles, great author’s and philosophers over the many ages of history .
Everyone is entitled to an opinion as well as ones own perspective of events, however, modifications of that history for agenda make anyone as bad as those who have already changed it to deceive.
Good or bad history must be preserved or mankind is doomed to repeat it.
Ok so lets continue
Now for the record : Our AIF ANZACS where founded on the 15 August 1914
What flag was flying then ?
Well we know the 1908 red and blue ensign versions were made official, however our diggers would have had many personal belongings and flags, dependent on what they had purchased and when they purchased them, of course one could not possibly know what our diggers owned at the time.
However if one looks deeper there’s another twist to the red ensign flag collection right around the time of the AIF formation.
First Australian Imperial Force in World War I
The Australian Government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914 and immediately began recruiting men to serve the British Empire in the war.
The men of the AIF served in the Middle East and on the Western Front during the war.
Before the war
Australia’s Regular Army was a young evolving force when war broke out.
It had been formed when the separate defence forces of six colonial states were joined with the federation of Australia in 1901 under the awaiting approval of the unofficial pending Red Ensign and Blue Ensign flags.
At this point the only official flag was that of the Union jack, it would be a further 2 years or so before our Commonwealth had our own official flag of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Before the war, the Army introduced two major changes:
- compulsory military training started in 1909
- military organisation was restructured after Field Marshal Viscount Herbert Kitchener visited Australia in 1910
The Regular Army was organised into:
- Australian Infantry Regiment (foot soldiers)
- field companies (engineers)
- garrison artillery batteries
- light horse brigades (mounted troops)
At the time, Australian law didn’t permit men in the Regular Army and the Civilian Forces (part-time reserves) to serve in wars overseas.
Now did you notice the name Herbert kitchener.
Well it turns out there is also a Red Ensign Flag of that name
Herbert kitchener flag history from the Australian War Memorial
Its the little amounts of misinformed information that create their narrative and to those of you who do not study history, unfortunately you will be easy to lead.
There are many examples of this within all of the Kingdom of Australia and Australian Royal Counsel’s dogma including all their little spin off groups that seem to disappear soon after they are created, just like all the Youtube videos they produced that now seem to have almost been completely wiped away.
Ties our ANZACS to the AKJV Bible .
Their other argument is the ties of the AIF to the King James version Bible are just ridiculous seriously , our ANZAC must be time travellers for this to be even remotely true after all the King James Bible was enacted in 1611 , we feel they might have hooked up with the Doc and Marty Mcfly grabbed a lone of the dalorian and zipped off to the year 1611 to accomplish this feat.
Lets continue
May 1927 the opening of old Parliment house
Now guess what flag was flying 🤔
Most definitely not the pending competition flag of 1901 or the 1903 gazetted version of the Red ensign as this was 1927, so it had to be the 1908 gazetted or church hill/ Kitchener Red ensign.
The First Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia was opened at the Melbourne Exhibition Building on 9 May 1901.
The new King of England, Edward VII, sent his son and heir, the Duke of Cornwall and York, to Australia as his representative.
The 1901 Gazette states , The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia invite competitive designs for a Federal Flag, such designs to be forwarded by post or otherwise not later than the 31st May, 1901. yet our first parliment was opened on the 9th may,1901
First Parliament
The first federal elections for the new Australian Parliament were held on 29 and 30 March 1901. Eighty-seven of the 111 newly elected parliamentarians had been members of colonial parliaments, including 14 who had been colonial premiers. Several had also participated in the drafting of the Constitution and were active in the push for federation—10 had been at the 1891 National Australasian Convention and 25 attended the second National Australasian Convention.
The first Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia was opened at noon on 9 May 1901 by the Duke of Cornwall and York (later King George V). The lavish ceremony took place in the Exhibition Building, Melbourne, and was attended by over 12 000 guests.
In his address, the Duke told the gathering:
It is His Majesty’s [King Edward VII] earnest prayer that this union so happily achieved may, under God’s blessing, prove an instrument for still further promoting the welfare and advancement of his subjects in Australia and for the strengthening and consolidation of his Empire.
Members of parliament were sworn-in by the Governor-General and then travelled by foot and horse-drawn carriage to Victoria’s Parliament House. The Senate then met at 1.10pm in the Legislative Council and the House of Representatives met at 2.30pm in the Legislative Assembly for the first session of federal Parliament. The Victorian Parliament House remained the temporary home of federal Parliament until 1927, when a new Parliament House was opened in Canberra. During this time, the Victorian Parliament met in the Exhibition Building.
In Melbourne the opening of Parliament was marked by 2 weeks of celebrations. The enthusiasm with which Australians greeted federation and the first federal Parliament demonstrated the nation was eager to unite as ‘one people’.
According to history the NSW Ensign also known as the federation flag was there too.
The Australian Federation Flag, also known as the New South Wales Ensign, was the result of an attempt in the 1830s to create a national flag for the Commonwealth of Australia.
Notice how the dates do not line up.
Did these parliamentarians already have Red and Blue Ensign flags designed and ready before the competition had ended ?
So what about the first pending unofficial flag to fly ?
Well as it turns out Only the blue govco flag was first flown from the Exhibition Building Melbourne on 3 September 1901 when the winning competition design was announced – this was a huge flag (36 by 18 feet), made to order for the occasion, however no red ensign flag for this occasion other than the people flying theirs in the streets and on the water ways.
After all It wasn’t till the 29th April, 1901 the Gazette was released for the flag competition and such designs to be forwarded by post or otherwise not later than the 31st May, 1901. So this makes sense that govco would fly theirs first.
These people have been asked many times to produce or provide Gazetted approved and recorded information in regards to the 1901 federal red ensign to debunk these facts, however they have not, cannot or will not produce such evidence.
The Gazetted information is of paramount importance as one can see with the flags act 1953, this is how we the people can see the trespass.
All Gazettes and Hansard reports are official documents and transcripts that come from all floors of our parliament.
They are like having a constant ear or fly on the wall on all dealings and debate that happen within the wall of parliament .
Without them we would have no transparency at all.
Remember those definitions at the beginning of the article .
Now Look at the BS in the 1953 Flags Act
According to documenting democracy flags act 1953 Menzies fake trespass act .
Instead we hear comments like, I’m not going to spoon feed you retarded fools and alike.
Seriously with egos like that one would be sure they would take satisfaction rubbing our noses in it and make us look silly, wouldn’t you think 🤔
Instead they produce photos of our civilian population and of our diggers flying the 1901 pending version.
However this is not factual documentation, in fact its nothing more than the people actively promoting the unofficial first pending flag that the people were approved to fly by parliament, all the while waiting for the real deal to be approved by the king, as many would have been proud to do in that time after all they were going to have a flag to call their own.
Here we have QE2 and the Dukes first official visit to our great Commonwealth in 1954, see the people waving their Red Ensigns and union Jacks with the Govco Blue and the Union Jacks dominating the government buildings as is normal practice however we see here the Red ensign of the people 1908 was also represented flying high.
QE 2 and the Dukes first official visit. video Aus post.
In regards to our diggers flying them in 1901 well why would they not, they owned them after purchase and as one would expect money was very tight back then, not to mention our forefathers didn’t live in a throw away society like we do today, gee even pants with holes were repaired and handed down all patched up, nothing was wasted.
I guess these folks forget that 🤔
There were hundreds and thousands of the 1901 unofficial pending versions created for many and as the pending flag I’m sure our grandparents would not waste them.
Come WW1 and WW2 many of our diggers still had those flags as thing were built to last back then, different to the property one owns throughout life today.
Many of the awaken public today still fly the blue ensign as they do and would not throw them away until they were stuffed , seriously how many today would throw them away undamaged knowing the truth about it being a government instrument 🤔 only a few really.
However this doesn’t make it correct but many still fly the blue for their own reasons not to mention our ADF ANZACS have bled under it also, therefore it to has a place in our history and the hearts of many if not for that reason alone it also represents our ANZACS as well, maybe not the AIF but the ADF, both as Civilians and military men and women.
After all we are men and women first as children of the creator, mostly Christian protestant Imperial Crown civilian subjects of Commonwealth of Australia, well we used to be , besides our job roles come second from who we are, right.
When one stands in unfettered unity one is not only concerned of the facts, they are concerned about unity also and sending a clear message to a rouge out of control parliament.
After all, without a united country we are left divided and that is no help to any of us is it 🤔
However the kingdom and x kingdom ARC members fail to see the errors of their ways and in which they speak and treat their fellow brothers and sisters.
Here is another one of their hard core followers who is currently incarcerated that their leader has completely thrown under the bus in an attempt to distance himself from the fall out and by the way he is a guy that held Steven in such high regard.
On a separate note, a SOVEREIGN Citizen is nothing more than an oxymoron, we are either sovereign individual men and woman self governing and self determining or we are not.
However as a collective of free men and woman we were subjects of the imperial crown subdivision of the Empire of Great Britain known as the Commonwealth of Australia.
Instead these people continue to create division to benift their own agendas.
Violence, intimidation, slander, general name calling ,belittling ,threats and just general public destructive behaviour is not and never has been an accepted way to gets ones point across, however it seem the general MO for those who are associated with this Kingdom of Australia ARC mob or group including the MANY of their current and ex members or what ever name they go by these days.
These people use many different aliases and have multiple accounts, they have shut down most of their pages and sites now but still congregate in private forums only stepping out to troll and create division and damage everywhere they pop up.
Is this the Australia you want to see come to life Aussies🤔
Please don’t confuse us freedom loving sovereign men and women with these that wish to divide us.
Then there’s the case of the throne room 😂 otherwise known as the Blue State Chair.
The Ballroom is serviced by a supper room that runs its entire length and has its original serving bench and fittings.
The Minstrels’ Gallery, where musicians perform at functions, features a semi-circular sound shell that reflects the arches and scalloped sconces above the dais, musical motifs of Pan and his pipes in the upper corners, and an intricately gilded iron balustrade.
There is an oral tradition that when the plans for the Ballroom were presented to Queen Victoria for approval, she objected to the size as it was bigger than the Ballroom at Buckingham Palace and asked that the building be reduced. However, by the time her request reached Victoria, construction had already begun.
State Chair
The focal point of the Ballroom is the State Chair. Only ever used by the Monarch or the Monarch’s representative, this State Chair was made around 1859 and has been used by all of the State’s Governors since Sir Henry Barkly.
The arched back rail features a crown and has ‘Advance Victoria’ carved underneath. It features lions’ heads carved on the arms, the cross of St George (England and Wales) and the cross of St Andrew (Scotland) on the legs, and the floral emblem of Ireland, the shamrock, on the skirt of the seat.
The kingdom of Australia’s King Stevens claim is that there’s a Australian kingdom left behind behind by our ANZACS waiting to be claimed.
This is a half truth but we guess he the self proclaimed king would love to call the state apartments home and who wouldn’t, it would be much better than sleeping in ones motor vehicle or under a bridge.
When in truth there is a Great Empire, a Kingdom of great Britain defended torn apart and almost forgotten that our ANZACS died to defend .
This Kingdom, this Empire, this Commonwealth is sitting there waiting to be re-claimed from the occupying administrators of Rome that stole it right under our nose under those rules of usufruct and many other acts of trespass against us, so many of such there’s just to many to list in one article, however we have addressed many on our website already.
The kingdom of great Britain was under threat many times in history however it was really torn up with the treaty of Versailles and the creation of the League of Nations which become the United Nations, by none other than the sly politicians we voted in to serve us and then further more with the collapse of the Imperial Crown Empire brought about by many acts of parliament trespass seeking independence from the mother land to create their New World Order of Rome.
It was the treasonous politicians who did this to us the people all in the name of power and authority of Rome.
Could QE2 be a captured Queen , could her father be also a captured King ?
Could this be why Queen Lizzy in her address to the Commonwealth stated she cannot send us to war or make rules and only give us her love.
One must read between the lines in this broadcast .
in the first few years of her reign QE2 was under eminence pressure by unseen forces at play including our very own politicians of the entire Commonwealth as well as the Roman Catholic church and the British Parliament also.
Could have the politicians tied her hands and did we all unknowingly let it happen ?
Many do claim QE2 was in on the whole thing , well maybe so.
Its also no secret QE2 never really wanted the job , so self sacrifice could very well been her plan all along and going by her actions it looks that way also, however providing proof of this is like trying to find a unicorn.
Remember the old saying innocent until proven guilty.
We doubt we will really know for sure as such evidence would be covered by know or would it ?
Could that evidence be right in front of us ?
However the fact that QE2 placed the Roman St Edwards Crown on her head among other things is indeed interesting to say the least, especially with what the act of settlement and the history between Rome and England has to say.
It was her father who bought back the st Edwards Crown Tradition after all.
What if QE2 and her father were both under Due rest acting against his and her will ?
Would they leave any clues ?
Like signing Documents in unusual places and such ?
The Imperial Crown.
Here below we see QE2 with the Christian Protestant Imperial State Crown as one would expect when one is a Protestant Queen.
The Tudor Crown, also known as Henry VIII’s Crown, was the Imperial State crown Church of England Protestant crown the first Crown used by the monarchs of England and Great Britain from around the time of Henry VIII up to the English Civil War in 1649.
The Church of England traces its roots back to the early church, but its specifically Anglican identity and its links to the State date back to the Reformation.
Henry VIII started the process of creating the Church of England after his split with the Pope in the 1530s. Henry was anxious to ensure a male heir after his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, had borne him only a daughter. He wanted his marriage annulled in order to remarry. In 1534 after several attempts to persuade the Pope to grant an annulment, Henry passed the Act of Succession and then the Act of Supremacy. These recognised that the King was “the only supreme head of the Church of England called Anglicana Ecclesia”. Henry adopted the title given to him by the Pope in 1521, that of Defender of the Faith
The one made for Queen Victoria in 1838 is the basis for today’s crown. Made by Rundell and Bridge in 1838 using old and new jewels, it had a crimson velvet cap with ermine border and a lining of white silk. … The gems in the crown were remounted for the coronation of George VI in 1937 by Garrard & Co.
The St Edwards Crown.
Here we see QE2 with the Roman Catholic St Edwards Crown , Not something one would expect for a Protestant Queen.
St Edward’s Crown is the centrepiece of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom, Named after Saint Edward the Confessor, a Catholic King it has been traditionally used to crown English and British monarchs at their coronations since the 13th century.
The original crown was a holy relic kept at Westminster Abbey, Edward’s burial place, until the regalia was either sold or melted down when Parliament abolished the monarchy in 1649, during the English Civil War.
The present version of St Edward’s Crown was made for Charles II in 1661.
It is solid gold, 30 centimetres (12 in) tall, weighs 2.23 kilograms (4.9 lb), and is decorated with 444 precious and semi-precious stones.
The crown is similar in weight and overall appearance to the original, but its arches are Baroque.
After 1689, it was not used to crown a monarch for over 200 years.
In 1911, the tradition was revived by George V, and all subsequent monarchs (except Edward VIII, who was not crowned at all) have been crowned using St Edward’s Crown.
A stylised image of this crown is used on coats of arms, badges, logos and various other insignia in the Commonwealth realms to symbolise the royal authority of Queen Elizabeth II.
Both Crowns undoubtedly have history intertwining many kings and Queens from both sides of the isle of Christianity and Catholicism however both each have their direct roots.
So could have King George been under the same pressure also ?
There have been many documentary’s made on the pressure the royals felt during the late and early 1800 and 1900s .
One thing is sure Romes influence remained strong.
King Edward VII especially felt this pressure to save the monarchy from the push from parliamentarians for a British republic.
Establishing the order of succession.
The Act of Settlement of 1701 was designed to secure the Protestant succession to the throne, and to strengthen the guarantees for ensuring a parliamentary system of government.
The Act also strengthened the Bill of Rights (1689), which had previously established the order of succession for Mary II’s heirs.
Mary’s father, James II, had fled England in 1688 during events described as the ‘Glorious Revolution’. James’s Roman Catholic sympathies and belief in the divine right of the Crown, resulted in disgruntled parliamentarians offering the throne to his eldest Protestant daughter, Mary.
She accepted it on condition that she could reign jointly with her Dutch husband, William of Orange, who became William III.
The Act also laid down the conditions under which the Crown could be held.
No Roman Catholic, nor anyone married to a Roman Catholic, could hold the Crown.
The Sovereign now had to swear to maintain the Church of England (and after 1707, the Church of Scotland).
The Act of Settlement not only addressed the dynastic and religious aspects of succession, it also further restricted the powers and prerogatives of the Crown.
Edward was canonised in 1161 and is considered a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, which regards Edward the Confessor as the patron saint of kings, difficult marriages, and separated spouses.
This trespass involved the entire Commonwealth nations over many decades and centuries and sly moves towards a global new world order for Rome.
The old Rome never died it just changed tactics.
Reformation really pulled the wind from Rome’s sails and its been fighting on ever since to reclaim what it had lost.
This New World Order is still in play right now and continues slowly eroding our rightful constitutional Commonwealth all its resources and assets all awhile fleecing you the public dry.
The Stone Of Scone.
Now to their stone of Scone argument.
The Kingdom of Australia mob have stated we received a coronation stone for services rendered, a stone they themselves refer to as the stone of scone or stone of destiny.
So lets look into this a little.
Stone of Scone, also called Stone of Destiny, Scottish Gaelic Lia Fail, stone that for centuries was associated with the crowning of Scottish kings and then, in 1296, was taken to England and later placed under the Coronation Chair.
The stone, weighing 336 pounds (152 kg), is a rectangular block of pale yellow sandstone (almost certainly of Scottish origin) measuring 26 inches (66 cm) by 16 inches (41 cm) by 11 inches (28 cm). A Latin cross is its only decoration.
According to one Celtic legend, the stone was once the pillow upon which the patriarch Jacob rested at Bethel when he beheld the visions of angels. From the Holy Land it purportedly travelled to Egypt, Sicily, and Spain and reached Ireland about 700 BCE to be set upon the hill of Tara, where the ancient kings of Ireland were crowned. Thence it was taken by the Celtic Scots who invaded and occupied Scotland. About 840 CE it was taken by Kenneth MacAlpin to the village of Scone.
At Scone, historically, the stone came to be encased in a seat . John de Balliol was the last Scottish king crowned on it, in 1292, before Edward I of England invaded Scotland in 1296 and moved the stone (and other Scottish regalia) to London.
Looks like that Star of David again depicted by a Catholic King of Rome.
There, at Westminster Abbey in 1307, he had a special throne, called the Coronation Chair, built so that the stone fitted under it.
This was to be a symbol that kings of England would be crowned as kings of Scotland also.
This coronation chair was also referred to as by many histories as Edward the Confessors throne.(Roman Catholic) almost like a shine to the saint.
Born in June 1239 at Westminster, Edward was named by his father Henry III after the last Anglo Saxon king (and his father’s favourite saint), Edward the Confessor a “Roman Catholic King.”
Edward’s parents were renowned for their patronage of the arts (his mother, Eleanor of Provence, encouraged Henry III to spend money on the arts, which included the rebuilding of Westminster Abbey and a still-extant magnificent shrine to house the body of Edward the Confessor).
Edward I early years brought a flurry of new legislation, some dealing with administrative abuses and land reform, while others dealt with widespread conspiracies about the English Jewry.
However at least he upheld and avoided removing Magna Carta sort of.
Jews were maltreated, attacked, and finally expelled from the realm.
They fled to Spain and North Africa while the bankers of Florence and Sienna became the new lenders of choice for England.
The Jews would not again be open to England until the rule of Oliver Cromwell centuries later, in other words, a Calvinist Dictator (Cromwell) would break down the Jewish blockade that was once constructed by a Catholic King (Edward I).
They can take our lives but they can never take our freedom, remember that famous line.
Edward’s forces, led by the Earl of Surrey, defeated the Scottish army at Dunbar in 1296 and Balliol was locked away in the Tower of London.
Edward dethroned Balliol and he removed the ancient ‘Stone of Scone’ also called the ‘Stone of Destiny’ which all Scottish Kings had been crowned upon for centuries.
He brought it to Westminster where it sat beneath the English coronation chair for hundreds of years. Scotland was now directly occupied by a then Catholic England.
Yep that’s right, stolen by a Catholic king.
Popular discontent was aroused among the people, particularly under the modest but fierce warrior named William Wallace.
He led Scottish forces to victory against the English at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297, but the following year he was sorely beaten at Falkirk. Wallace continued to fight but now most of the Scottish nobles had given up and submitted to Edward.
In 1298, Wallace was captured and taken to London where he was hanged, drawn, and quartered. Wallace’s limbs were displayed as a warning at four different locations in northern England and Scotland: Newcastle, Berwick, Stirling, and Aberdeen.
Obviously we are not going to go right into the whole history or you the reader would be reading for thousands of hours like many of us researching have done here at Sovereign Australian for over 20 years , we are trying to keep it simple.
Now ask yourselves this, if this stone is locked away in full and never been cut up , how could the stone at the shrine of remembrance be the same stone? And why is it not under a throne here?
Now here’s something to ponder
Looks like that Star of David was indeed being played through out history, it seems Rome has always been in play.
Remember the coronation throne QE2 was placed upon.
Well it looks like many if not all Kings and Queens coronations were held on this throne for a long time with the exception of King George the VI
Also something to consider.
There are 54 countries in the Commonwealth, in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Pacific. Commonwealth countries are diverse – they are among the world’s biggest, smallest, richest and poorest the world.
How many countries were involved in the treaty of Versailles 🤔
Initially, 70 delegates from 27 nations participated in the negotiations. Russia was excluded due to their signing of a separate peace (the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk) and early withdrawal from the war.
How many other commonwealth countries received a piece of stone if at all ?
What about the fact that the stone they refer to is actually made of marble?
Stone of Remembrance
The Shrine of Remembrance (commonly referred to as The Shrine) is a war memorial in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, located in Kings Domain on St Kilda Road.
It was built to honour the men and women of Victoria who served in World War I, but now functions as a memorial to all Australians who have served in any war.
It is a site of annual observances for ANZAC Day (25 April) and Remembrance Day (11 November), and is one of the largest war memorials in Australia.
Designed by architects Phillip Hudson and James Wardrop, both World War I veterans, the Shrine is in classical style, based on the Tomb of Mausolus at Halicarnassus and the Parthenon in Athens, Greece.
The crowning element at the top of the ziggurat roof references the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates.
Built from Tynong granite, the Shrine originally consisted only of the central sanctuary surrounded by the ambulatory.
The sanctuary contains the marble Stone of Remembrance, upon which is engraved the words “Greater love hath no man” (John 15:13); once per year, on 11 November at 11 a.m. (Remembrance Day), a ray of sunlight shines through an aperture in the roof to light up the word “Love” in the inscription.
Beneath the sanctuary lies the crypt, which contains a bronze statue of a soldier father and son, and panels listing every unit of the Australian Imperial Force.
The Shrine went through a prolonged process of development, which began in 1918 with an initial proposal to build a Victorian memorial.
Two committees were formed, the second of which ran a competition for the memorial’s design.
The winner was announced in 1922. However, opposition to the proposal, led by Keith Murdoch and The Herald, forced the governments of the day to rethink the design.
A number of alternatives were proposed, the most significant of which was the ANZAC Square and cenotaph proposal of 1926. In response, General Sir John Monash used the 1927 ANZAC Day march to garner support for the Shrine, and finally won the support of the Victorian government later that year. The foundation stone was laid on 11 November 1927, and the Shrine was officially dedicated on 11 November 1934.
The sanctuary contains the marble Stone of Remembrance, upon which is engraved the words “Greater love hath no man” (John 15:13); once per year, on 11 November at 11 a.m. (Remembrance Day), a ray of sunlight shines through an aperture in the roof to light up the word “Love” in the inscription.
How many other countries have a thrown room ?
There are heaps, a simple wiki search will show you the list click here
Well out of the 54 countries As of 2021, there are 16 Commonwealth realms: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and the United Kingdom.
So What is a relm ?
Well A realm /ˈrɛlm/ is a community or territory over which a sovereign rules.
The term is commonly used to describe a monarchical or dynastic state.
A realm may also be a subdivision within an empire, a realm is also a kingdom or a kingdom.”the defence of the realm”
This doesn’t make Australia a kingdom nor does it mean our ANZACS defended the Kingdom of Australia .
It means the Commonwealth of Australia is a subdivision within the empire of great Britain, a realm, a kingdom defended by our ANZACS, our Commonwealth is a part of the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Lest we forget
Unfettered unity is now more important then ever before.
It was a series of very unfortunate events in a time of mass change and lack of understanding and comprehension of what those events would do to the greater empire as a whole, people lacked the foresight and interest from the general public that seen the once great kingdom fall back into the hands of the Roman cabal.
We all failed as a people to see what was transpiring under our very nose.
This battle has waged on since reformation and the creation of the Church of England and the Christian protestant bible.
Our ANZAC digger’s Shrine of Remembrance is a beacon of light so we never forget the sacrifices made to defend the Empire of Great Britain, our protestant Imperial crown realm and our right to self determination, self governance and self ownership, it was paid for many times over in blood.
lest we forget !
She currently sits empty awaiting the return of her people who were fooled into joining the citizenship of Rome.
Rome was never happy about losing control and great power and has been usurping the Empire ever since .
Many things transpired not just financially and with laws ,boundaries, treaties and underhanded deals globally to arrive at this point in time most that many could never comprehend the reasons for.
The throne room in the Commonwealth of Australia with the blue state chair existed for one reason and that was to preform Royal duties when the royals over the ages visited our land from the British empire, it was never placed their for a kingdom or king of Australia, that is misguided misinformation from a certain agenda stand point of a handful of people , its most definitely not fact.
To those kingdom of Australia followers that may read this article, Honestly what do you think the royals sit on when performing official duties 🤔 a lounge, come on….. seriously.
The Christian protestant Imperial crown kingdom of great Britain that our ANZAC died to defend still lives and is waiting to be re-born , this is why the cabal is in such a rush to remove any existence of it not just here in Australia and new Zealand but Canada, India and so on all over the Commonwealth.
Its the same reason why most of our people forget what our red ensign flags represents, the cabal puppets in parliaments across the commonwealth have done all they can as fast as they can to hide that history away without waking you the public to the trespass against us.
Most Australians today have no idea who or what the AIF was because of it.
The Roman Cabal wants people to think its just a boat or ship flag, however it is not.
The definitions we have looked at show this fact.
One flag for govco.
One flag for everything else.
Our Red Ensign Flag represents all free commonwealth people on the land and the waters ,
The blue and white represents the govco machine on the land and the waters however blue should only ever be on govco buildings or offices, not flying free all over the land.
The white naval flag is only on the sea.
That;s the definition, that’s where they belong.
So what is the real agenda behind these kingdom of Australia members you might say 🤔
Well the truth is it seems these misguided individuals have taken much out of context if they believe or used to believe they must raise an Australian king to free our people and their agenda is clearly an attempt to use your emotions and respect for our ANZACS to do it.
But really its a power grab by a silly ideologist with personal agendas in our opinion and you are entitled to your own.
However what king 🤔 and what type of man is he and what rightful claim does he have ? 🤔
Not many leopards change their spots do they and this self proclaimed king is very much a dictator.
Rather than stand in unfettered unity together as one sovereign free people of the Commonwealth of Australia.
It is them who claim we must stand under a particular Red Ensign and that Red ensign being the unofficial pending 1901 version, a version we might add selected by none other than the parliament board.
What’s the bet it was chosen by Catholics hey.
Thank God our protestant king picked up on that and rectified the problem.
Is it not ironic that no Australian ANZAC military medal to our knowledge possesses the Star of David depicted that is on the 1901 unofficial pending version yet the official 1903 Pacific Star version is 🤔
This 1903 Pacific Star design was turned into a medal and given to our serving ANZACS in the mid 40’s, I wonder why there’s no Star of David medal design.🤔
See our article on the occult to comprehend why. Just use the search bar near the bottom of our web page and type in a keyword.
These guys and girls or ex members of this Kingdom of Australia or what ever they call themselves now which has never seen the light of day don’t seem to like the facts nor wish to display these non existent facts at all yet they demand we the free people acting in unfettered unity with the real documented facts bow down to their demented demands.
Don’t you the free man and woman with common sense find this odd ?
Don’t you think we deserve better 🤔
All these individuals were associated with each other and have been fighting among themselves and creating division with others for years now , don’t you men and women with common sense think its time it ended 🤔
Do you require only a photo of a man and woman doing something to convict and hold them guilty in a court of law or do you require facts, due process and completed evidence without a shadow of doubt before passing judgment 🤔
So why do these people have such an agenda as to state flying any red ensign in unfettered unity is wrong and we must fly the one they state is the correct one 🤔
In Sovereign Australian’s opinion these people are here to create division for a personal agenda not that of unfettered unity.
Why is it they can never produce any of these documented Parliamentary documents to back their claims and they only rely on weak pictorial photographs.
We have been able to do this.
What about that Kingdom of Australia ID 🤔
These guys and gals state all the time that we stand under admiralty flags so what is this ID all about hmmmmmmm.
The White Ensign, at one time called the St George’s Ensign due to the simultaneous existence of a cross-less version of the flag, is an ensign worn on British Royal Navy ships and shore establishments. It consists of a red St George’s Cross on a white field with the Union Flag in the upper canton.
These people claim if you fly any Red Ensign Flag other than theirs you are in admiralty jurisdiction yet their ID is on the St George’s Ensign.
Seriously come on people its time to grow up.
Its no secret that our diggers stood under many Red Ensign Flag designs right through our history, but what about that Star of David on the Kingdom and Ex Kingdom member’s flag hey 🤔.
Many should be aware by now its significance to the occult and its ties to Rome, our forefathers may not have been aware of this, but our protestant Imperial Crown Kings and Queens would have been indeed.
We at Sovereign Australian and Australian Red Ensign over look the occult symbolism of such a star for the benefit of unfettered unity, however we do make it clear to all its significance and inform our fellow brothers and sisters of the Imperial Crown Commonwealth of Australia as we should.
Please don’t allow these people to destroy our unfettered unity message and stand freely of your own choosing under any Red Ensign Flag you choose to fly, don’t let these people dictate what we stand together under as one people.
The Red Ensign Flag is not only the flag of the people and that of our AIF voluntary ANZACS, its a symbol of a free people and we the collective masters of our creation called parliament.
Remember who you are and remember there were two colours, one red and one blue irrespective of what stars were depicted, one was for the free people (red) the other (blue) for the office.
This was never changed until Menzies change the law in the 50’s and until then you the free people could not fly the blue.
If one looks and comprehends history it seems it only took Rome 50 years to place their crown back on protestant lands and that my brothers and sisters was felt world wide throughout the entire Commonwealth, since then, well open your eyes and look around, since the 50’s they have done nothing but remove ones unalienable rights as free sovereign men and women under God, liquidated our public assets and resources and rape us of personal wealth.
Its time to wake up to the trespass against us.
We at Sovereign Australian really take no pleasure in writing this article however this Kingdom mob has been so distrustful, distasteful and down right destructive for so long now we felt it needed to be addressed formally.
Our Commonwealth is at a cross road in time now .
We can continue to allow these United Nation unforeseen foreign powers control the direction of our future or we can restore the commonwealth as it was before the trespass took hold and be a free Self Governing Self Determining Subdivision of Great Britain Once more .
We could also change our land to be something entirely different using the core foundations of our Commonwealth to build upon.
We here at Sovereign Australian do not confess to know what it is we need do to save our once great southern land of the free and those Mighty AIF from those who wish to destroy it, however we are sure that only a free united majority sovereign people can end this trespass against us.
United we can accomplish anything when we work together as one people in unfettered unity.
All we ask is that you Fly your red ensign proudly work together as one people one country and send a clear message to Parliament that we will not go silently into the night nor will we be dictated to by those who are meant to serve us or those hell bent on creating division between us.
For we are one people we are free damn it , our unalienable rights under God have been paid in full by the blood of our ANZAC and those who have worked to build this Commonwealth of ours and we will not give her up without a fight.
We are not asking for Violence, Vengeance or War on our streets we are not being belligerent we want our rights and our Commonwealth back NOW! we built it we created it and it belongs to we the sovereign people of the Commonwealth of Australia.
We thank you for taking the time to read what has been displayed and hope to see all those red dusters fly proud .
Never give in for its time to dig in , our ANZACS didn’t give their lives up for us just to roll over .